As the warm weather approaches, it's a good time to stock up
on those medical supplies that are typically needed in a hurry. Don't wait
until you suddenly need them. You won't feel like going to the store to buy
them at that point. So get ahead and get prepared. Stock your medicine cabinet
up today and be ready!
Poison Ivy, Poison
Oak, Poison Sumac
For many people, warmer weather means more time outside.
Getting back to nature heals the body and the soul, but
beware of those parts of nature that can give you an itchy rash.
Helpful Medical
- Calamine lotion
- Cold compress
- Your doctor may recommend or prescribe antihistamines or
Scrapes and Cuts
More time outdoors for kids especially means more time
running and playing on the playground. Good stuff, for sure, but the more they climb
the more their chances for skinned knees do too.
- Bandages and band aids of course
- Many people think hydrogen peroxide and/or alcohol are
primary tools to clean a cut. Not so. In fact, it's simple water and mild soap.
The hydrogen peroxide and alcohol can actually damage the skin and slow the
progress of healing.
- Antibiotic ointment, covered by a band aid, will keep the
wound moist and protected. This is the optimal environment for healing.
- For more advanced wound care, check out first aid supplies
or minor procedure kits. These will be administered by trained medical
Skin Protection
from the Sun
The sun's harmful ultraviolet rays magnify in the hotter
months. While many skin care experts recommend wearing sun screen with at least
an SPF of 15 all year round, this becomes especially important in the Spring
and Summer. SPF protection defends against not only sunburn in the
short-term but also skin cancer in the long-term.
If you do get a sun burn, aloe and other natural
remedies are a great natural and low-cost remedy for soothing the
Insect Bites
Bugs come out more in the warmer months too. Mosquitoes not
only cause itchy bites that when scratched can become infected, but they also
sometimes carry potentially fatal diseases. Stock up on insect repellent and
cover up as much skin as you can bear to when you go outdoors, especially
during and after dusk.
- Bee stings, as long as you are not allergic to them, will
mainly just cause an itchy sensation after the initial pain from the sting. An
oral antihistamine will help reduce the pain, itching, and swelling.
When to Seek
Medical Attention
Over the counter medical supplies are not the answer to
snake bites and some spider bites. I could tell you to avoid the black widow
spider and the brown recluse spider for example, but if your bit by any type of
spider you may not have had the chance to check to see what kind it is. Don't
mess around. It's worth a trip to the emergency room to have a snake bite or
spider bite checked out. Some bites don't hurt right away and can look harmless
but that's because the poison sets in slowly.
For a range of medical supplies and equipment, check out
Supply Doctor’s online medical store!
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