Monday, 3 April 2017

The Importance of Drug Testing in the Workplace

Drug use and abuse is dangerous, especially in the workplace. Not only does it seriously decrease productivity and income in the workplace, but it also places employees at risk.

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Luckily it is possible for employers to be able to test their employees for drug use and from there come up with strategies to pursue a drug-free workplace.

Supply Doctor is an online medical supply store offering a range of different products, including drug tests - both in multi packs and as singles! Visit the store today and order from the comfort of your own home.

So, how can drug testing improve business productivity?

  §  Employees will perform better at their tasks
  §  General safety in the workplace will improve
  §  Reduced workplace accidents, violent incidents and theft
  §  Discourage other workers from abusing drugs and alcohol
  §  Minimizes the risk of employing potential drug and alcohol addicts

Before testing your employees, keep these 5 things in mind...

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     1.       Never discriminate against an employee. If you are doing random drug tests, make sure the process is the same for everyone in the workplace.

     2.       Ensure that the contract your employees have signed clearly states that they must perform random drug testing.

     3.       Make sure to keep the trust of your employees by talking to them and letting them know when the test will take place and what time.

     4.       If the drug test displays a case of drug use, it must be handled properly as a disciplinary matter. It is even encouraged to support the employee to get the right treatment for the drug or alcohol abuse.

     5.       The employee should follow a procedure which has been witnessed and signed by all the others who have been tested.

Since drug testing in the workplace has become common place, there has been a huge decrease in drug use and abuse!